Photographer and filmmaker Miranda Loud founded Naturestage as a 501(c)3 in 2006. Since then, Naturestage has produced an award-winning multi-media live performance about honeybees and the connection many beekeepers have with their bees as well as several short films as part of a larger project to use the crisis facing elephants to help students look at human nature and solve problems through cross-cultural connections around the films. You can see these films and read more on the blog and on the press page at
You can also read the special web page for one of naturestage's current projects which is about creating photography exhibits, books and short films about the common language of emotion we use to communicate with other species and what surprising and inspiring connections we have across species lines.
To watch the films specifically made for this project, please visit:
To make a tax-deductible donation to further this project of stories of cross-species connection and empathy, you can do that here: