Ellie and Rachel and the Hedgehog

May 17, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Last weekend I did a photoshoot with Rachel and her adorable dog Ellie. Here are some of the photos from the session, along with Rachel's writings about Ellie. Enjoy!

1.       I got Ellie when I first moved down to Florida. I was at a flea market and had no intention of getting a dog but we met and I held her and she wrapped her paws around my hand and we have been in love ever since!

2.       Ellie loves her treats and cookies but she is also a very healthy eater…she loves cooked baby carrots, mango, red pepper, cantaloupe, etc. Her favorite time of the night is when I make her daddy’s sandwich for the next day…she loves to get pieces of deli meat (honey maple turkey in particular)

3.       Ellie loves to go for walks but sometimes if we are going for a long walk she goes in her carriage (its like a baby carriage but for puppies). She loves her carriage, she just lays down and watches out her window.

4.       Last year for her 2nd birthday we threw a huge party and all the dogs from our building came. There were about 20 dogs and we had treats, pupcakes and goodie bags. She got SO MANY presents…definitely a very popular girl! We are planning another party for her third birthday in June.

5.       Ellie loves traveling. When I moved back from Florida we drove my car back, Ellie slept the ENTIRE way! She has also been on a plane and a boat.

6.       Her best friend is Goldie, she is a little white maltipoo. They can and will wrestle for hours whenever they are together.

7.       Ellie has 2 “day” beds that she will sleep on when no one is home but at night, she sleep with me and matt. She enjoys sleeping sideways so even though she is only 8 pounds, she somehow manages to take up the most space!

8.       Ellie is my first dog EVER and she is really the best dog ever. She has never chewed up anything and she is always up for whatever I want to do…whether it’s a nap, a walk, a car ride, etc

9.       She’s not a big fan of kids or big dogs (she prefers little fluffy dogs). The only time she barks is if she sees either one.

10.   Ellie has 2 best toys, Muffy the earmuff wearing hedgehog and her donut. Everyday I roll donut down the hallway in our building…she runs after it so fast that she can only chase it 2 times before she gets too tired!

11.   Ellie has helped me to become more outgoing. Before I had her I was very shy but now, everyone wants to talk to me because she is so cute. She has really helped me be able to talk to anyone!

12.   Ellie is always well accessorized. She always has a bow and beautiful collars…is she an ambassador for The Proper Puppy.

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